Wickerman Joe

Wickerman Joe

Wickerman Joe is what you get when you mix an insane Asura, half a dozen fire imps and have an immortal King with a fascination for pyrotechnics despite being made out of ice. This unfortunate construct is blessed with being totally innocent, has an almost childlike fascination with little things and has an unshakeable faith in his favourite person in the whole wide world, Daniel. On the down side the imps that inhabit his body are incredibly mischievous and constantly get him into trouble, he has a tendency to violently combust before being put together again by the very imps that blew him apart, he sees these occurrences as an immensely fun game. If Wickerman Joe is ever threatened the imps appear to be incredibly protective of him and will fly into a rage at his mistreatment, it seems only they are allowed to smash him to bits. “Twig” as Frozenwind affectionately calls him, looks to this person with no life of its own as his best friend and confident, knowing full well that he would never betray him.